We need your help

In order to make Be Still Retreat a reality, we need prayer partners, financial partners, and volunteers

1) Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer. β€œThe prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” - James 5:16. Please consider partnering with us by praying for specific needs. Click the button below to know exactly how you can pray for us!

2) Financial

There are significant costs associated with starting a retreat center, but we believe that the costs are worth the generational impact. Please consider partnering with us financially and click the button below to see what our needs our and to become a monthly supporter. All donations are tax deductible.

3) Volunteer

We need help in construction and facilitating Be Still Retreat. If you can build, paint, or move dirt, we need you! If you enjoy working with students and investing in the next generation, we need you! If you enjoy sports and teaching others, we need you! Please consider volunteering your time and talents to make Be Still Retreat a reality.